Sunday, December 11, 2011

Say it isn't so!?

In Yu-Gi-Oh there is a universal problem with players that just do not know and/or understand rulings.  In their defense I will say that some rulings can be very obscure and have to be dealt with in a different manner but for everything else there is just no excuse.  I always encourage players to ask for a judge for any questions that arise from dueling whether or not something seems clear or not, there is no reason to leave it up to chance.  The proper way to deal with said situation is to simply be reasonable with your opponent and explain the details of the card, how it affects the game state, and why you believe it functions the way it does.  You will be surprised how things will turn out when you treat each other equally and respectfully in a duel.

This is a Yu-Gi-Oh! public service announcement brought to you by Rescue Rabbit.

Keep it clean!

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