Monday, February 13, 2012

Wind-Ups, Wind-Ups

The Engine and Card summaries:

Hunter can tribute a Wind-Up but itself once per turn to discard a card the opponent's hand.

Rat can special 1 Wind-Up monster in the grave once per turn.

Shark can special summon itself when a Wind-Up is normal or special summoned. Can increase or decrease a monster's level by 1 until the end phase.

Zenmaity can detach a material to special a Wind-Up from your deck or hand. It can remove a material to keep itself from being destroyed.


Discard your opponents hand as fast as possible and attack! Exceed accordingly and keep advantage!


Maxx "C" and Effect Veiler can and will stop them in there tracks. Having stronger monsters will turn the tide if they don't have an answer to it.


The loop and field presence of the deck is undeniable. If taken lightly, the deck will destroy you! I think Inzektors are still a better archetype.

Honorable mentions:
Wind-Up Rabbit
Wind-Up Zenmaines
Wind-Up Factory

Disclaimer: All images will be updated as they come, credit for images goes to Wikia

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