Monday, February 20, 2012

Just play

For those of you that did not know, 16-year-old Georgia native Marquis Henderson BEASTED, literally, on all the competition with T.G. Stun this past weekend in Y.C.S. Atlanta. Henderson main decked Skill Drain and Beast King supported by Horn of the Phantom Beast. He effectively used his floaters, Tengu, Rush Rhino,etc., to thin out his deck and win without Maxx "C"s or Effect Veilers in a dominant Rabbit, Wind-up, and Inzektor tournament. After a rough start Henderson proved once and for all that the META doesn't dictate the outcome, the PLAYER does. Congratulations Marquis Henderson!

Credit for all information goes to Konami.


  1. Well, putting Maxx "C" and Effect Veiler in the main blows you out against Rabbit so I can see why he didn't use it in the mainboard.

    How he won against the Wind-Up match-up... IDGI lol, guessing he just won the die roll, set Skill Drain, and said go.

  2. "the META dictate the outcome, the playe does"??? What do you mean?

    1. Writer error, fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out.
