Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Moving forward...

Let's take a moment to reflect.  We've seen the Konami do a lot of things for the game, both good and bad. We've seen the evolution of Yu-Gi-Oh many times. First with the introduction of Fusion monsters, then Synchro monsters, and now Exceed monsters. Soon Battle Packs will be released to promote a new aspect to the game as well as the introduction to Galactic Overlord.  The banlist phased out Plants, T.G.s, Agents, and all their variants to make room for Inzektors, Dino Rabbit, and Wind-Ups. It is time to adapt and take charge by looking forward and preparing for whats to come.


We now have a Tumblr account,! It will be used for anything and everything Yu-Gi-Oh related by the team! The regular blog schedule will continue.

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