Monday, January 23, 2012

Dino Rabbit

The Engine
Step 1: Get Rabbit
Step 2: Search 2 Dinosaur Vanillas with different names and exceed into

If you have a banished Rabbit or a desirable level 4 or lower monster follow the next steps

Step 1: Get Tour Guide     ---->     Step 2:  Search your level 3 fiend target and exceed into   

Card summaries:
Rabbit specials two level 4 or lower Normal monsters from your deck to the field, Rabbit cannot be special summoned from the deck.

Laggia negates anything that activates or summoned.

Dolkka negates monster effects that activate.

Tour guide specials any level 3 fiend from your deck to the field, the monster summoned cannot be used as synchro material.

Leviair detaches a material to special a level 4 or lower monster from the banished zone to the field.

Make Laggia and/or Dolkka with Rabbit and recycle Rabbit with Leviair and make another Laggia and/or Dolkka and win with the crazy advantage you built up.

You need to disrupt the generic combo of exceeding into Laggia and Dolkka. Black Horn of Heaven, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Bottomless Trap Hole, Fiendish Chain, and other effect and summon stoppers will do work against the match up. Main decking a Maxx "C" will scare off your opponent from special summoning so much. Hoping that they draw normal monsters all day helps too. :D

The deck is simple. Runs a lot like Six Samurai when they had Shi En at 3. If they manage to recycle Rabbit you will most probably lose.

Disclaimer: All images should be be credited to Wikia

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